14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

The Royal Wedding - What is all the fuss about?

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Seriously, who cares about this blasted wedding? Clearly the entire world! Seriously, what is the point? Granted, Prince William will most likely take the throne in approximately 15 - 2o years time - but what does this have to do with Kate Middleton? The likelihood of her ever taking supreme control of the throne is possibly an 80 - 1 shot. She would need to make a consorted effort to remove her royal husband to be, in order to achieve this milestone. Also , I am confident that this marriage will never work. Here is why:
  • The royal expectations of the Royal Family
  • The expectations of the Public
  • The expectations of Prince William and the Oedipus Effect
The royal expectations of the Royal FamilyKate Middleton comes from a working to middle-ish class family and are not necessarily prepared for the royal mayhem that ensues. By that, I am referring to the paparazzi element which plagued Princess Diana, eventually leading to her demise in 1997. Also, perhaps most importantly, behaving in the manner a Royal is supposed to display. This bears testament to the relationship between the late Princess Diana and her mother in the law and ruling Monarch of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II. Middelton comes across as an outspoken, extroverted and engaging young lady. However, there seems to be no room for those attributes in the Royal Family i.e. the outcomes of Princess Diana's and the former Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson's marriage. She is also a Master's Graduate of the Arts which means that she has been in an environment in which freedom of expression and creative impulse was pivotal to her success. Can't see much of a conversation happening in the Royal Dining Room Table - this chick will suffer towards unconsciousness. The expectations of the PublicI think the main reason why the Public are waiting in anticipation for the wedding is because the majority of them see Princess Diana in her personality. I would tend to agree with them, should this be the case. She smiles for starters, which is generally a good sign. As I mentioned earlier, she is quite engaging, and does not display any elements of being camera shy. However, looking the part, acting the part and actually doing the part are 3 very different things. What I am trying to get at here is will the future Queen of England bear the responsibility of Princess Diana and assist a significant number of charities and foundations in impoverished regions throughout the globe? Or will she play the role of a beauty pageant contestant meets royalty and wish for world peace? Interesting quandary we have reached here.The expectations of Prince William and the Oedipus EffectAgain, you kind readers must be under the impression that there is a valley of shrooms in my backyard. But once again, there is method to my madness. Prince William, like the public have a significant number of expectations of Kate Middelton, perhaps too many. Prince William will constantly compare Ms Middelton to his late mother and quite frankly, community activist, Princess Diana. She won't exhibit the same behviourisms as his mother, out of conformity to the unwritten protocols of the Royal Family. As a result, he will be involuntarily be demanding more of the same qualities which were provided by Princess Diana to her immediate family and the global community at large. This ties in with the Oedipus effect. Derived from Greek Folklore, the Oedipus effect is based on a self fufilling prophecy. That prophecy in Prince William's mind translates to him finally finding someone who measures to the late Princess Diana's standard - he is still thinking about it, believe me. So, that pretty much covers it. Oh, and one more thing... how the f#$k could the Royal Couple invite Kanye West and not the f#$^kin Obamas??!!!! This is an automatic thumbs down from the Islander.... methinks its time for a game of Cricket!

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